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use std::{error, fmt, io, str};
/// Represents an error while sending, receiving, or parsing an HTTP response.
// TODO: Make non-exhaustive for 3.0?
pub enum Error {
#[cfg(feature = "json-using-serde")]
/// Ran into a Serde error.
/// The response body contains invalid UTF-8, so the `as_str()`
/// conversion failed.
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
/// Ran into a rustls error while creating the connection.
/// Ran into an IO problem while loading the response.
/// Couldn't parse the incoming chunk's length while receiving a
/// response with the header `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`.
/// The chunk did not end after reading the previously read amount
/// of bytes.
/// Couldn't parse the `Content-Length` header's value as an
/// `usize`.
/// The response contains headers whose total size surpasses
/// [Request::with_max_headers_size](crate::request::Request::with_max_headers_size).
/// The response's status line length surpasses
/// [Request::with_max_status_line_size](crate::request::Request::with_max_status_line_length).
/// [ToSocketAddrs](std::net::ToSocketAddrs) did not resolve to an
/// address.
/// The response was a redirection, but the `Location` header is
/// missing.
/// The response redirections caused an infinite redirection loop.
/// Followed
/// [`max_redirections`](struct.Request.html#method.with_max_redirections)
/// redirections, won't follow any more.
/// The response contained invalid UTF-8 where it should be valid
/// (eg. headers), so the response cannot interpreted correctly.
/// The provided url contained a domain that has non-ASCII
/// characters, and could not be converted into punycode. It is
/// probably not an actual domain.
/// Tried to send a secure request (ie. the url started with
/// `https://`), but the crate's `https` feature was not enabled,
/// and as such, a connection cannot be made.
/// The provided url contained a domain that has non-ASCII
/// characters, but it could not be converted into punycode
/// because the `punycode` feature was not enabled.
/// The provided proxy information was not properly formatted. See
/// [Proxy::new](crate::Proxy::new) for the valid format.
/// The provided credentials were rejected by the proxy server.
/// The provided proxy credentials were malformed.
/// The provided credentials were rejected by the proxy server.
// TODO: Uncomment these two for 3.0
// /// The URL does not start with http:// or https://.
// InvalidProtocol,
// /// The URL ended up redirecting to an URL that does not start
// /// with http:// or https://.
// InvalidProtocolInRedirect,
/// This is a special error case, one that should never be
/// returned! Think of this as a cleaner alternative to calling
/// `unreachable!()` inside the library. If you come across this,
/// please open an issue, and include the string inside this
/// error, as it can be used to locate the problem.
Other(&'static str),
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use Error::*;
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "json-using-serde")]
SerdeJsonError(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
IoError(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
InvalidUtf8InBody(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
RustlsCreateConnection(err) => write!(f, "error creating rustls connection: {}", err),
MalformedChunkLength => write!(f, "non-usize chunk length with transfer-encoding: chunked"),
MalformedChunkEnd => write!(f, "chunk did not end after reading the expected amount of bytes"),
MalformedContentLength => write!(f, "non-usize content length"),
HeadersOverflow => write!(f, "the headers' total size surpassed max_headers_size"),
StatusLineOverflow => write!(f, "the status line length surpassed max_status_line_length"),
AddressNotFound => write!(f, "could not resolve host to a socket address"),
RedirectLocationMissing => write!(f, "redirection location header missing"),
InfiniteRedirectionLoop => write!(f, "infinite redirection loop detected"),
TooManyRedirections => write!(f, "too many redirections (over the max)"),
InvalidUtf8InResponse => write!(f, "response contained invalid utf-8 where valid utf-8 was expected"),
HttpsFeatureNotEnabled => write!(f, "request url contains https:// but the https feature is not enabled"),
PunycodeFeatureNotEnabled => write!(f, "non-ascii urls needs to be converted into punycode, and the feature is missing"),
PunycodeConversionFailed => write!(f, "non-ascii url conversion to punycode failed"),
BadProxy => write!(f, "the provided proxy information is malformed"),
BadProxyCreds => write!(f, "the provided proxy credentials are malformed"),
ProxyConnect => write!(f, "could not connect to the proxy server"),
InvalidProxyCreds => write!(f, "the provided proxy credentials are invalid"),
// TODO: Uncomment these two for 3.0
// InvalidProtocol => write!(f, "the url does not start with http:// or https://"),
// InvalidProtocolInRedirect => write!(f, "got redirected to an absolute url which does not start with http:// or https://"),
Other(msg) => write!(f, "error in minreq: please open an issue in the minreq repo, include the following: '{}'", msg),
impl error::Error for Error {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
use Error::*;
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "json-using-serde")]
SerdeJsonError(err) => Some(err),
IoError(err) => Some(err),
InvalidUtf8InBody(err) => Some(err),
#[cfg(feature = "rustls")]
RustlsCreateConnection(err) => Some(err),
_ => None,
impl From<io::Error> for Error {
fn from(other: io::Error) -> Error {