#[repr(i32)]pub enum Control {
Show 170 variants
Movement_MoveForward = 0,
Movement_MoveBackward = 1,
Movement_StrafeLeft = 2,
Movement_StrafeRight = 3,
Movement_TurnLeft = 4,
Movement_TurnRight = 5,
Movement_Dodge = 6,
Movement_Autorun = 7,
Movement_Walk = 8,
Movement_Jump = 9,
Movement_SwimUp = 10,
Movement_SwimDown = 11,
Movement_AboutFace = 12,
Skills_SwapWeapons = 17,
Skills_WeaponSkill1 = 18,
Skills_WeaponSkill2 = 19,
Skills_WeaponSkill3 = 20,
Skills_WeaponSkill4 = 21,
Skills_WeaponSkill5 = 22,
Skills_HealingSkill = 23,
Skills_UtilitySkill1 = 24,
Skills_UtilitySkill2 = 25,
Skills_UtilitySkill3 = 26,
Skills_EliteSkill = 27,
Skills_ProfessionSkill1 = 28,
Skills_ProfessionSkill2 = 29,
Skills_ProfessionSkill3 = 30,
Skills_ProfessionSkill4 = 31,
Skills_ProfessionSkill5 = 79,
Skills_ProfessionSkill6 = 201,
Skills_ProfessionSkill7 = 202,
Skills_SpecialAction = 82,
Targeting_AlertTarget = 131,
Targeting_CallTarget = 32,
Targeting_TakeTarget = 33,
Targeting_SetPersonalTarget = 199,
Targeting_TakePersonalTarget = 200,
Targeting_NearestEnemy = 34,
Targeting_NextEnemy = 35,
Targeting_PreviousEnemy = 36,
Targeting_NearestAlly = 37,
Targeting_NextAlly = 38,
Targeting_PreviousAlly = 39,
Targeting_LockAutotarget = 40,
Targeting_SnapGroundTarget = 80,
Targeting_ToggleSnapGroundTarget = 115,
Targeting_DisableAutotargeting = 116,
Targeting_ToggleAutotargeting = 117,
Targeting_AllyTargetingMode = 197,
Targeting_ToggleAllyTargetingMode = 198,
UI_BlackLionTradingDialog = 41,
UI_ContactsDialog = 42,
UI_GuildDialog = 43,
UI_HeroDialog = 44,
UI_InventoryDialog = 45,
UI_PetDialog = 46,
UI_LogOut = 47,
UI_MailDialog = 71,
UI_OptionsDialog = 48,
UI_PartyDialog = 49,
UI_PvPPanel = 73,
UI_PvPBuild = 75,
UI_Scoreboard = 50,
UI_InformationDialog = 51,
UI_Show_HideChat = 70,
UI_ChatCommand = 52,
UI_ChatMessage = 53,
UI_ChatReply = 54,
UI_ShowHideUI = 55,
UI_ShowHideSquadBroadcastChat = 85,
UI_SquadBroadcastChatCommand = 83,
UI_SquadBroadcastMessage = 84,
Camera_FreeCamera = 13,
Camera_ZoomIn = 14,
Camera_ZoomOut = 15,
Camera_LookBehind = 16,
Camera_ToggleActionCamera = 78,
Camera_DisableActionCamera = 114,
Screenshot_Normal = 56,
Screenshot_Stereoscopic = 57,
Map_OpenClose = 59,
Map_Recenter = 60,
Map_FloorDown = 61,
Map_FloorUp = 62,
Map_ZoomIn = 63,
Map_ZoomOut = 64,
Mounts_MountDismount = 152,
Mounts_MountAbility1 = 130,
Mounts_MountAbility2 = 153,
Mounts_Raptor = 155,
Mounts_Springer = 156,
Mounts_Skimmer = 157,
Mounts_Jackal = 158,
Mounts_Griffon = 159,
Mounts_RollerBeetle = 161,
Mounts_Warclaw = 169,
Mounts_Skyscale = 170,
Mounts_Turtle = 203,
Spectators_NearestFixedCamera = 102,
Spectators_NearestPlayer = 103,
Spectators_RedPlayer1 = 104,
Spectators_RedPlayer2 = 105,
Spectators_RedPlayer3 = 106,
Spectators_RedPlayer4 = 107,
Spectators_RedPlayer5 = 108,
Spectators_BluePlayer1 = 109,
Spectators_BluePlayer2 = 110,
Spectators_BluePlayer3 = 111,
Spectators_BluePlayer4 = 112,
Spectators_BluePlayer5 = 113,
Spectators_FreeCamera = 120,
Spectators_FreeCameraBoost = 127,
Spectators_FreeCameraForward = 121,
Spectators_FreeCameraBackward = 122,
Spectators_FreeCameraLeft = 123,
Spectators_FreeCameraRight = 124,
Spectators_FreeCameraUp = 125,
Spectators_FreeCameraDown = 126,
Squad_Location_Arrow = 86,
Squad_Location_Circle = 87,
Squad_Location_Heart = 88,
Squad_Location_Square = 89,
Squad_Location_Star = 90,
Squad_Location_Spiral = 91,
Squad_Location_Triangle = 92,
Squad_Location_X = 93,
Squad_ClearAllLocationMarkers = 119,
Squad_Object_Arrow = 94,
Squad_Object_Circle = 95,
Squad_Object_Heart = 96,
Squad_Object_Square = 97,
Squad_Object_Star = 98,
Squad_Object_Spiral = 99,
Squad_Object_Triangle = 100,
Squad_Object_X = 101,
Squad_ClearAllObjectMarkers = 118,
MasterySkills_ActivateMasterySkill = 196,
MasterySkills_StartFishing = 204,
MasterySkills_SummonSkiff = 205,
MasterySkills_SetJadeBotWaypoint = 206,
Miscellaneous_AoELoot = 74,
Miscellaneous_Interact = 65,
Miscellaneous_ShowEnemyNames = 66,
Miscellaneous_ShowAllyNames = 67,
Miscellaneous_StowDrawWeapon = 68,
Miscellaneous_ToggleLanguage = 69,
Miscellaneous_RangerPetCombatToggle = 76,
Miscellaneous_ToggleFullScreen = 160,
Miscellaneous_EquipUnequipNovelty = 162,
Miscellaneous_ActivateChair = 163,
Miscellaneous_ActivateMusicalInstrument = 164,
Miscellaneous_ActivateHeldItem = 165,
Miscellaneous_ActivateToy = 166,
Miscellaneous_ActivateTonic = 167,
Templates_BuildTemplate1 = 171,
Templates_BuildTemplate2 = 172,
Templates_BuildTemplate3 = 173,
Templates_BuildTemplate4 = 174,
Templates_BuildTemplate5 = 175,
Templates_BuildTemplate6 = 176,
Templates_BuildTemplate7 = 177,
Templates_BuildTemplate8 = 178,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate1 = 182,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate2 = 183,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate3 = 184,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate4 = 185,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate5 = 186,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate6 = 187,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate7 = 188,
Templates_EquipmentTemplate8 = 189,
Expand description
A control (player action) used by the game.
Movement_MoveForward = 0
Movement_MoveBackward = 1
Movement_StrafeLeft = 2
Movement_StrafeRight = 3
Movement_TurnLeft = 4
Movement_TurnRight = 5
Movement_Dodge = 6
Movement_Autorun = 7
Movement_Walk = 8
Movement_Jump = 9
Movement_SwimUp = 10
Movement_SwimDown = 11
Movement_AboutFace = 12
Skills_SwapWeapons = 17
Skills_WeaponSkill1 = 18
Skills_WeaponSkill2 = 19
Skills_WeaponSkill3 = 20
Skills_WeaponSkill4 = 21
Skills_WeaponSkill5 = 22
Skills_HealingSkill = 23
Skills_UtilitySkill1 = 24
Skills_UtilitySkill2 = 25
Skills_UtilitySkill3 = 26
Skills_EliteSkill = 27
Skills_ProfessionSkill1 = 28
Skills_ProfessionSkill2 = 29
Skills_ProfessionSkill3 = 30
Skills_ProfessionSkill4 = 31
Skills_ProfessionSkill5 = 79
Skills_ProfessionSkill6 = 201
Skills_ProfessionSkill7 = 202
Skills_SpecialAction = 82
Targeting_AlertTarget = 131
Targeting_CallTarget = 32
Targeting_TakeTarget = 33
Targeting_SetPersonalTarget = 199
Targeting_TakePersonalTarget = 200
Targeting_NearestEnemy = 34
Targeting_NextEnemy = 35
Targeting_PreviousEnemy = 36
Targeting_NearestAlly = 37
Targeting_NextAlly = 38
Targeting_PreviousAlly = 39
Targeting_LockAutotarget = 40
Targeting_SnapGroundTarget = 80
Targeting_ToggleSnapGroundTarget = 115
Targeting_DisableAutotargeting = 116
Targeting_ToggleAutotargeting = 117
Targeting_AllyTargetingMode = 197
Targeting_ToggleAllyTargetingMode = 198
UI_BlackLionTradingDialog = 41
UI_ContactsDialog = 42
UI_GuildDialog = 43
UI_HeroDialog = 44
UI_InventoryDialog = 45
UI_PetDialog = 46
UI_LogOut = 47
UI_MailDialog = 71
UI_OptionsDialog = 48
UI_PartyDialog = 49
UI_PvPPanel = 73
UI_PvPBuild = 75
UI_Scoreboard = 50
UI_InformationDialog = 51
UI_Show_HideChat = 70
UI_ChatCommand = 52
UI_ChatMessage = 53
UI_ChatReply = 54
UI_ShowHideUI = 55
UI_ShowHideSquadBroadcastChat = 85
UI_SquadBroadcastChatCommand = 83
UI_SquadBroadcastMessage = 84
Camera_FreeCamera = 13
Camera_ZoomIn = 14
Camera_ZoomOut = 15
Camera_LookBehind = 16
Camera_ToggleActionCamera = 78
Camera_DisableActionCamera = 114
Screenshot_Normal = 56
Screenshot_Stereoscopic = 57
Map_OpenClose = 59
Map_Recenter = 60
Map_FloorDown = 61
Map_FloorUp = 62
Map_ZoomIn = 63
Map_ZoomOut = 64
Mounts_MountDismount = 152
Mounts_MountAbility1 = 130
Mounts_MountAbility2 = 153
Mounts_Raptor = 155
Mounts_Springer = 156
Mounts_Skimmer = 157
Mounts_Jackal = 158
Mounts_Griffon = 159
Mounts_RollerBeetle = 161
Mounts_Warclaw = 169
Mounts_Skyscale = 170
Mounts_Turtle = 203
Spectators_NearestFixedCamera = 102
Spectators_NearestPlayer = 103
Spectators_RedPlayer1 = 104
Spectators_RedPlayer2 = 105
Spectators_RedPlayer3 = 106
Spectators_RedPlayer4 = 107
Spectators_RedPlayer5 = 108
Spectators_BluePlayer1 = 109
Spectators_BluePlayer2 = 110
Spectators_BluePlayer3 = 111
Spectators_BluePlayer4 = 112
Spectators_BluePlayer5 = 113
Spectators_FreeCamera = 120
Spectators_FreeCameraBoost = 127
Spectators_FreeCameraForward = 121
Spectators_FreeCameraBackward = 122
Spectators_FreeCameraLeft = 123
Spectators_FreeCameraRight = 124
Spectators_FreeCameraUp = 125
Spectators_FreeCameraDown = 126
Squad_Location_Arrow = 86
Squad_Location_Circle = 87
Squad_Location_Heart = 88
Squad_Location_Square = 89
Squad_Location_Star = 90
Squad_Location_Spiral = 91
Squad_Location_Triangle = 92
Squad_Location_X = 93
Squad_ClearAllLocationMarkers = 119
Squad_Object_Arrow = 94
Squad_Object_Circle = 95
Squad_Object_Heart = 96
Squad_Object_Square = 97
Squad_Object_Star = 98
Squad_Object_Spiral = 99
Squad_Object_Triangle = 100
Squad_Object_X = 101
Squad_ClearAllObjectMarkers = 118
MasterySkills_ActivateMasterySkill = 196
MasterySkills_StartFishing = 204
MasterySkills_SummonSkiff = 205
MasterySkills_SetJadeBotWaypoint = 206
Miscellaneous_AoELoot = 74
Miscellaneous_Interact = 65
Miscellaneous_ShowEnemyNames = 66
Miscellaneous_ShowAllyNames = 67
Miscellaneous_StowDrawWeapon = 68
Miscellaneous_ToggleLanguage = 69
Miscellaneous_RangerPetCombatToggle = 76
Miscellaneous_ToggleFullScreen = 160
Miscellaneous_EquipUnequipNovelty = 162
Miscellaneous_ActivateChair = 163
Miscellaneous_ActivateMusicalInstrument = 164
Miscellaneous_ActivateHeldItem = 165
Miscellaneous_ActivateToy = 166
Miscellaneous_ActivateTonic = 167
Templates_BuildTemplate1 = 171
Templates_BuildTemplate2 = 172
Templates_BuildTemplate3 = 173
Templates_BuildTemplate4 = 174
Templates_BuildTemplate5 = 175
Templates_BuildTemplate6 = 176
Templates_BuildTemplate7 = 177
Templates_BuildTemplate8 = 178
Templates_EquipmentTemplate1 = 182
Templates_EquipmentTemplate2 = 183
Templates_EquipmentTemplate3 = 184
Templates_EquipmentTemplate4 = 185
Templates_EquipmentTemplate5 = 186
Templates_EquipmentTemplate6 = 187
Templates_EquipmentTemplate7 = 188
Templates_EquipmentTemplate8 = 189
Trait Implementations§
Source§impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Control
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Control
Source§fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D) -> Result<Self, __D::Error>where
__D: Deserializer<'de>,
fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D) -> Result<Self, __D::Error>where
__D: Deserializer<'de>,
Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more
Source§impl IntoEnumIterator for Control
impl IntoEnumIterator for Control
type Iterator = ControlIter
fn iter() -> ControlIter ⓘ
Source§impl Ord for Control
impl Ord for Control
Source§impl PartialOrd for Control
impl PartialOrd for Control
impl Copy for Control
impl Eq for Control
impl StructuralPartialEq for Control
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for Control
impl RefUnwindSafe for Control
impl Send for Control
impl Sync for Control
impl Unpin for Control
impl UnwindSafe for Control
Blanket Implementations§
Source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
Source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more