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use arcdps::imgui::{StyleVar, Ui};
/// An action for ordered lists in UI.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// use arc_util::ui::action::Action;
/// # let ui: &arcdps::imgui::Ui = todo!();
/// let mut vec = vec!["a", "b", "c"];
/// let mut action = Action::new();
/// for (i, entry) in vec.iter().enumerate() {
/// ui.text(entry);
/// ui.same_line();
/// action.render_buttons(ui, "buttons-id", i, vec.len());
/// }
/// action.perform(&mut vec);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub enum Action {
/// No action to be performed.
/// Swap index with next element.
/// Delete index.
impl Action {
/// Creates a new [`Action`].
pub const fn new() -> Self {
/// Renders action buttons.
pub fn render_buttons(&mut self, ui: &Ui, id: impl AsRef<str>, index: usize, len: usize) {
let id = id.as_ref();
let is_first = index == 0;
let is_last = index == len - 1;
let current_alpha = ui.clone_style().alpha;
let style = ui.push_style_var(StyleVar::Alpha(if is_first { 0.3 } else { current_alpha }));
if ui.button(format!("^##{id}-{index}")) && !is_first {
*self = Self::Swap(index - 1);
let style = ui.push_style_var(StyleVar::Alpha(if is_last { 0.3 } else { current_alpha }));
if ui.button(format!("v##{id}-{index}")) && !is_last {
*self = Self::Swap(index);
if ui.button(format!("x##{id}-{index}")) {
*self = Self::Remove(index);
/// Performs the action on a [`Vec`].
pub fn perform<T>(&self, vec: &mut Vec<T>) {
match *self {
Self::None => {}
Self::Swap(i) => vec.swap(i, i + 1),
Self::Remove(i) => {