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use super::*;
pub const HSTRING_REFERENCE_FLAG: u32 = 1;
pub struct HStringHeader {
pub flags: u32,
pub len: u32,
pub _0: u32,
pub _1: u32,
pub data: *mut u16,
pub count: RefCount,
pub buffer_start: u16,
impl HStringHeader {
pub fn alloc(len: u32) -> *mut Self {
if len == 0 {
return core::ptr::null_mut();
// Allocate enough space for header and two bytes per character.
// The space for the terminating null character is already accounted for inside of `HStringHeader`.
let bytes = core::mem::size_of::<Self>() + 2 * len as usize;
let header =
unsafe { bindings::HeapAlloc(bindings::GetProcessHeap(), 0, bytes) } as *mut Self;
if header.is_null() {
panic!("allocation failed");
unsafe {
// Use `ptr::write` (since `header` is unintialized). `HStringHeader` is safe to be all zeros.
(*header).len = len;
(*header).count = RefCount::new(1);
(*header).data = &mut (*header).buffer_start;
pub unsafe fn free(header: *mut Self) {
if header.is_null() {
unsafe {
bindings::HeapFree(bindings::GetProcessHeap(), 0, header as *mut _);
pub fn duplicate(&self) -> *mut Self {
if self.flags & HSTRING_REFERENCE_FLAG == 0 {
// If this is not a "fast pass" string then simply increment the reference count.
self as *const Self as *mut Self
} else {
// Otherwise, allocate a new string and copy the value into the new string.
let copy = Self::alloc(self.len);
// SAFETY: since we are duplicating the string it is safe to copy all data from self to the initialized `copy`.
// We copy `len + 1` characters since `len` does not account for the terminating null character.
unsafe {
core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(, (*copy).data, self.len as usize + 1);